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产品关键词: 常州采购TTO872|TTO876控制器价格 常州TTO872|TTO876图片 厂家 常州TTO872|TTO876的代理商
产品简要介绍:TTO872|TTO876燃油燃烧器控制器 品牌:Satronic - Honeywell 产地:美国

TTO872/876 - Oil Burner Safety Control

For burners on hot-air heaters, as well as burners above 30 kg/h in intermittent operation, 1- or 2-stage.

Flame detectors:

- Photoresistor MZ 770 S

- Flicker detector IRD 911 / 1010

If the infrared flicker detector IRD 911 or 1010 is utilized as flame monitor, even red hot combustion chamber walls cannot affect the safe operation, since this sensor exclusively responds to the flame.

The oil burner automatic safety control TTO876 is fully interchangeable with the type TTO836. The automatic control TTO872 is – with the exception of the flame detector compatible with type TTO810. When replacing type TTO810, the photo-cell FZ 711 has also got to be replaced by an MZ 770 S.

The different heights are compensated for by mounting the pushbutton extension (art. No. 70601).

Instead of the pushbutton extension, it is also possible to mount the remote reset device FR 870 (art. No. 70700, refer to the documentation "Remote Reset device FR 870").

The oil burner control boxes TTO 872.2 / 876.2 are equipped with a low-voltage protection according to DIN-EN 230.

TTO872.2 without connecting terminal for oil pre-heater
TTO876.2 with bridging contact and connection for oil pre-heater
安庆市冯程热能设备销售有限公司, 皖ICP备19016129号
公司地址:安徽安庆市开发区旺园路与裕庆路交叉口(开发区实验中学对面),销售电话:0556-5308116 传真:0556-5308016 手机:18955641966
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